Jeremy Ray Taylor is an american actor, producer, director, and podcaster. He is best known for his lead roles as “Ben" in the hit film IT and "Sonny" in Goosebumps 2. His most recent roles include Big Sky and Senior Year.
Taylor and his castmates won the MTV Movie + TV Award for Best On-Screen Team. Taylor also gained a following starring opposite James Corden on the reality/mockumentary series “James Corden’s Next James Corden” which won an Emmy for Outstanding Short Form Comedy or Drama Series.
Jeremy is from Bluff City, TN. Born to parents Michael and Tracy Taylor and the youngest of the family, Jeremy grew up in East Tennessee where he learned a strong work ethic on the family farm.
He began his acting career at age 8 and has worked with some amazing leading men such as Harrison Ford, Paul Rudd, Gerard Butler, Jack Black, and most recently Bill Skarsgard.
Jeremy has the unique ability to successfully transition from drama to comedy, as seen in his upcoming movie Senior Year.
He loves stretching himself and pushing his acting skills to the next level with every opportunity that comes his way.